15 December 2005
by dwb
You never know what is going to happen on a shoot. Usually they go somewhat as planned. Sometimes they don’t. And sometimes you are given little gifts that make it all worthwhile.
Today I was given a small gift.
We were filming a ladyboy bukkake scene (the first ever I believe) and I took my eye off the camera and scene for just a moment to make sure I was not going to step on something I didn’t want to step on, and I saw what you see in the photo.
This was totally unexpected and the last time I saw him, he was fully dressed in the other room.
Good laughs.
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Categories: On The Road, Preposterousness, Pure Awesomeness, Random Photos, Shemales, Something Positive, Thailand, What The Fuck
Tags: Ladyboy Bukkake, Ladyboys, Surprise
15 December 2005
by dwb
What a night last night. I had two Thai hookers sucking me off in the blow job bar and drained every drop of nut from my balls. It was incredible.
After the BJs, we headed to Nana Plaza where we met a ladyboy named Nadia who has a 10 inch cock. For a Brazilian that may be the norm but for an Asian transsexual, it is just insane. It is bat shit crazy. Notice there are 4 hands on it and the head still pops out of the top! And yes, both the small ladyboy and the guy took it in the ass until they bled.

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Categories: On The Road, Porno, Random Photos, Shemales, Thailand
Tags: Asia, Bangkok, Hurricane Hicks, Ladyboys, Nana Plaza, Transsexuals, What The Fuck
09 December 2005
by dwb
It is true that we learn something new every day.
Today I learned that when shemales take hormones, they can produce milk from their tits just like a genetically born woman.
My simple meat and potatoes mind is having a hard time digesting this one.
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Categories: And Now You Know, Keepin It Real, On The Road, Random Photos, Shemales, Thailand, Thinking Out Loud, What The Fuck
Tags: Lactating Shemales, Ladyboys
06 December 2005
by dwb
Ok, so it’s true. I have fallen in love with a ladyboy and her name is Eye.
It was love at first site.
And once she wrapped her warm lips around my throbbing cock, I was shouting out my ATM pin number.
She had me at “Sawadee Kha” and now she will be adding me to her list of boyfriends who send her money every month via Western Union, but she says I’m her number one boyfriend, and I believe her.
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Categories: On The Road, Preposterousness, Random Photos, Sex, Shemales, Thailand
Tags: Ladyboy Eye, Ladyboys
04 December 2005
by dwb
From this day forward, Hicks will be known as “Hurricane Hicks.”
Then gave him a slogan… “Hurricane Hicks, Suckin’ Dicks!”
Then he then punched me in the eye and now it’s almost swollen shut. Yea, really.
So as I sit here and type with one good eye, I thought I would post a photo from today.
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Categories: On The Road, Random Photos, Shemales, Thailand
Tags: Hurricane Hicks, Ladyboys
02 November 2005
by dwb
This is a great pic. I’m not sure where it hangs or who took it but I want to thank John for sending it to me today.

* They left out the #1 and #2 thing that an older man can give a schoolgirl: LOTS OF CASH and the best 3 minutes of his life! 
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Categories: Preposterousness, Random Photos, The Internetz, Uncategorized
Tags: Fear Inc., Internet, Random Photos, Schoolgirls, STD
05 October 2005
by dwb
“I’m turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so, Turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so, I’m turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so, Turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so…”
What a great song. I get happy every time I hear it. Then I get wood thinking about all the hot Japanese girls who long for my seed.
I have to really stop looking at Japanese porn cause it’s making me lose focus. These girls are so damn cute I can’t stand it. I’m not sure who these pics belong to but I’m going to dedicate some sperm to each and every one of them.
I’m thinking it’s time to devote an entire section to the awesomeness of Japanese chicks.

Please, email me with your favorite Jgirls. I need them!

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Categories: Japanese Girls, Random Photos
Tags: Hot Girls, Hotness, Japanese Girls
19 September 2005
by dwb
I love to eat almost as much as I love to fuck. Almost. Not just any food that you put in front of me, but BAD food. Chocolate, pizza, French fries, ice cream… pretty much everything that will give me a heart attack.
For the past 4 weeks I have been living on shit food. Mostly pizza and chocolate bars because the food in Colombia is just horrible. You can only eat so much chicken and beef before you snap. The smell of these two meats make me want to vomit right now. I have eaten at least 100 birds and a few cows on this trip, I’m sure of it.
Maybe goat meat is the answer? I started drinking warm goat milk the other day it to be honest with you, it wasn’t that bad. Kind of thick, but really not bad. That reminds me, we have been trying to get Kincade to drink cow milk straight from the tit for a case of beer. That fucker will do just about anything for beer but for some reason he wont suck a cows tit. Go figure.
I hear there is a waffle restaurant somewhere in the city and that’s going to be my mission for today. A Belgium waffle with ice cream and strawberries on it. I’ve got 83% wood just thinking about it.

Maybe it’s time to become a vegetarian.
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Random Photos, Thinking Out Loud
Tags: Colombia, Food, Random Photos
13 September 2005
by dwb
Thanks for the emails guys, I appreciate it. As you requested, here’s more pics of some of the whores we shot.

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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Porno, Random Photos, Whores
Tags: Colombia, Random Photos, Whores
09 September 2005
by dwb
Here’s a few random shots from Bogotá, Colombia.

* They checked our backpacks for bombs before entering the mall where the Hard Rock is.

* They work better when they’re drunk. So long as I keep the booze flowing, they will stick their cocks into anything. 
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Random Photos
Tags: Bogotá, Colombia, Random Photos
29 August 2005
by dwb
As promised, here are some pics of Donkey Fucker #1. The O.G. of Donkey Fuckers. Coma burra numbro uno. “Fucking Rad” are the only words that comes to mind when describing the O.G. of Donkey fuckers.

Seriously, this guy was so creepy and bad ass at the same time, I wanted to put him on the payroll. He belongs with us. I’m gonna keep him for as long as he’s willing to stay. Any man who will raw dog a donkey is OK in my book. My gut instinct says you could trust a guy like this.

These guys came to worship The Donkey Fucker. I don’t blame them. If it wasn’t such a common thing in this area of Colombia, I’m sure they would come by the 1000s to get a glimpse of this madness.

Many of you have friends who do dumb shit. Maybe one of them can drink a bucket of beer through his nose or something, and maybe one is a good fighter or can break down a car engine in record time. But nobody holds a candle to a grown man who repeatedly fucks baby donkeys with a smile on his face. I think this is even discussed in the Bible somewhere. Look it up.
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Preposterousness, Random Photos
Tags: Chaos, Colombia, Donkey Fuckers
20 August 2005
by dwb

The old city of Cartagena, Colombia.

This guitar player knows just about every song ever recorded. Good stuff.

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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Random Photos
Tags: Cartagena, Colombia, Random Photos