20 April 2006 by dwb
I was talking to a whore we were shooting and I told her that her friend looked like Yoko Ono.
She didn’t have any clue who that was so I asked her if she knew John Lennon. Her reply was “No, but I know Tom Cruise.”
I told her that was close enough and then shoved my cock down her throat while singing Imagine.
BTW… the whore in question was “Ice” from the post before.
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Categories: Keepin It Real, Thailand, Whores
Tags: Dumb Whores, Thailand, Tom Cruise
19 April 2006 by dwb
Mr. Kincade tore up another one tonight. Her name is “Ice” and she left the shoot not a happy camper.
He roughed her up more than she liked, even though she said she liked it rough. Then he blasted her in the eye and gave her red eye. Very romantic.
I have a new guy that we need to break in. He is an Aussie and has never shot anything before, so my fingers are crossed that he will work out.
John T Bone is also here shooting right now and has some Brazilian boys who fuck like cave newts but they are also sucking off ladyboys and taking it in the ass. They swing both ways and fuck pretty hard so I may use them for a few shoots.
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Categories: Porno, Thailand, Whores
Tags: Mr. Kincade, Thai girls, Thailand
18 April 2006 by dwb
My name is Ronald McDonald and I am the mascot for McDonalds. My job is to put children at ease and to associate fun and happiness with our brand. In other words, I have been hired and paid over 200k a year to help make you fat and addicted to McDonalds food.
Part of my job is infiltrating foreign countries, such as yours, and whoring myself out in a manner that will make you love me and our food.
In Thailand, you can find me greeting each and every one you with the traditional “wai” as you enter our restaurant. This should put you at ease, make you smile, eat a burger, clog a few arteries and put on a few pounds. This is the American way. Trust me, you’ll love it.
We all know that rice is not putting any meat on your bones so please give us a try. I personally guarantee that we will fatten you up to look like an American. Just be sure to SUPER SIZE everything and you will be on the road to McBliss.
Ronald McDonald
P.S. Don’t forget to try our new McBuddha Burger with fried McRice, it is delicious.
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Categories: Preposterousness, Random Photos, Thailand
Tags: McDonalds, Ronald McDonald, Thailand
17 April 2006 by dwb
We found this skinny Thai girl at 7-11 buying a pack of gum and a sucker. It was almost too good to be true so after pinching Mr. Kincade on the nipple, I moved in for the kill.
Of course she was down to leave with us because lets face it… I have serious game. OK, so I don’t have game, but I do know how to sweet talk a hooker into getting in front of my lens… CASH!!!
Mr. Kincade broke her. This is documented on the video. I had to give her a head massage once when she had to stop because his big white cock was causing so much pain. Yea, she’s that tiny.
Kincaded finally blasted a HUGE load on her face and she took it like a champ, red eye and all. Even though we had to take a few breaks to let her work out the pain, the scene turned out OK. She’s so cute and little, it would have been hard to mess this one up.
Now she’s in my bed snuggled up to my hairy monkey leg while I make this post.
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Categories: Porno, Thailand, Whores
Tags: Itty Bitty Titty Committee, Mr. Kincade, Skinny Thai Girl, Thai Girl Meow, Thai girls
15 April 2006 by dwb
Tonight we found a beautiful little Thai cutie to shoot a hardcore video for us. I sent her through the usual channels and asked the usual questions to make sure we are on the same page. She went to the doctor for her HIV test, then to the store where I bought her new clothes and shoes for the shoot. Then she went to the salon to be made into a porno vixen.
That’s the routine.
After about 2 hours we made it back to my room to copy her ID and have her to sign a model release. All standard stuff before a shoot. Then the last thing I wanted her to do was go into the bathroom and shave her pussy bald, so off she went.
She walked out of the loo and right up to where I was sitting for a closer inspection to make sure all the hair in her ass crack was gone and low and fucking behold this girl had the worst case of genital warts anyone has ever seen in their life. Her pussy was a mess.
Her warts were slightly bloody from cutting some of them as she shaved but the area between her legs was just destroyed with warts. It was truly unbelievable.
I gave her 1500b ($40 USD) and explained to her that she needed to go right back to the doctor and get this taken care of. What she did after she left my room is anyone’s guess, but my guess is she went right back to the stroll to look for a customer.
And they wonder why we call them “whores.”
That reminds me, I still have an HIV post to make regarding some dirt bag whores who have HIV and are still fucking guys with no rubbers. That’s probably going to be a long one so it will have to wait until I’m in a shitty mood and feel like ranting.
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Categories: Keepin It Real, Porno, Thailand, What The Fuck, Whores
Tags: Dumb Whores, STD, Thai girls with warts, Warts
14 April 2006 by dwb
It’s been so long since I worked with a real girl that I totally forgot how big a PAIN IN THE ASS they could be sometimes.
Freakin’ lazy ass dirt bags. All they have to do is get fucked, but I guess it’s too much effort to lay on their back and open their legs.
There is nothing worse than a lazy whore.
Well, maybe a broke pimp with no hoes, but a lazy whore is a solid runner up.
BTW… did I mention Kincade is back in town? He WRECKED this lazy bitch. Atta boy! The worst thing one of these fuck holes can do is get lazy on Mr K and he will unleash holy hell on them.
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Categories: Porno, Thailand, Whores
Tags: Lazy Whores, Mr. Kincade, Thai girls, Thai hookers
10 April 2006 by dwb
I am in Phuket right now shooting Ladyboys. So far I have lost 10lbs from sweat, had less that 4 hours of sleep in the last 72 hours and one of our Ladyboys almost perished during our first shoot. I saved her life and grabbed her arm as she literally fell off a cliff. No joke.
She blew me to show her thanks later in the evening. Then we snuggled until I came to my senses.
I’ll try to make a complete post about the shenanigans going on here tomorrow or the day after. Right now we’re knee deep in LB cack (yes, that is spelled correct) and we don’t have a lot of leisure time. Stay tuned.
Gotta run, my big boob Thai cum dumpster is rubbing her beautiful tits on my back and my cack is so hard it hurts. She says, “Sawadee Ka” to you and, “come fuck me now” to me.
Duty calls…..
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Categories: Drama Factor, Keepin It Real, Porno, Sex, Shemales, Thailand, Whores
Tags: Drama, Ladyboys, Phuket, Thailand
06 April 2006 by dwb
The heathen known as “Bootleg Bin” is a behind the scenes heathen. You’re not going to see him in front of the camera banging a schoolgirl or ladyboy in the ass, but he is a vital part of the machine and a dear friend.
In fact, it was ‘ol Bootleg Bin who turned me on to Ladyboys. Go figure.
Today Bin got his second tattoo. He is 1/2 Japanese so he wanted to get something written that only sneaky Japanese like himself could read. He’s probably up to something.
Maybe it’s a plan for global destruction. Maybe it’s his name. Maybe he is reminding himself how big a prick I am. Maybe it’s the secret to life. What ever it says… I can’t read it and it’s on his arm for life.
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Categories: Keepin It Real, Thailand
Tags: Bootleg Bin, Tattoo, Thailand
05 April 2006 by dwb
Inspired by Mike’s (MikeSouth.com) Stripper Quote Of the Day, I would like to start a new section here called, Funny Things Whores Say.
Since I am in Thailand where the girls generally speak piss poor English, it should be a fun place to begin.
Tonight I was on a Baht bus (small pick-up truck used as a taxi) with a Thai hooker and she was telling me how she takes good care of her body.
“I no like drink or smoke. I only like smoke big cigar with no fire too much.”
Translated: I do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, but I like to suck big fat cocks as often as possible.
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Categories: Funny Things Whores Say, Thailand, Whores
Tags: Funny Things Whores Say, Thai girls, Thailand
24 March 2006 by dwb
If you have ever been to Thailand, one of the first things you will notice (besides the awful stench blowing out of the street drains) is the insane amount of stray dogs running around. There are too many to count.
Some dogs will even walk right out into traffic and lay down in the middle of the street. Many of them won’t even get up when the horns honk at them. These are suicidal dogs. Until I came to Thailand, I had no idea dogs actually wanted to die and made attempts to do so.
Stray dogs are everywhere in Thailand. Foreigners usually call them “soi dogs.” In Vietnam, they are called “food.”
In the short amount of time I’ve been in Vietnam, I’ve yet to see a single stray dog. Not one.
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Categories: And Now You Know, On The Road, Soi Dogs, Thailand, Vietnam
Tags: Bootleg Bin, Eating Dog, Shit I Didn't Want To Eat, Soi Dogs, Vietnam
24 January 2006 by dwb
I’ve been reading a really heavy book called “Sex Slaves: The Trafficking Of Women In Asia” by Louise Brown.
The book is from travels and research of the author when he explored the dark side of the sex industry in Asia. He highlights stories from girls who have escaped a life of slavery and tells stories of the majority who have not.
It is a most disturbing read.
Even if you think you know all there is to know about modern sex slaves, you should read this book, because you probably don’t have a clue.
The author dives deep into “why” they are trafficked, and “who” is trafficking and buying the girls. He also explains why it is so culturally accepted among many Asian nations.
A disturbing but necessary read for anyone who enjoys the guilty pleasures of the Asian sex industry.
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Categories: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Whores
Tags: Asia, Book Club, Human Trafficking, Sex Slaves
17 January 2006 by dwb
I was looking through old folders on my computer today and I came across this Thai whore.
Ae was one of the first scenes we shot in Thailand years back and to this day is one of my favorite whores.
After we shot her, she was so horny that she wanted every single one of us to fuck her until she got off.
There were 4 of us that day… all dropped a load inside her little snatch one after another, some of us dropped a few loads.It was a several hour fuck fest and she ended up getting off a few times. The more cum that was dumped inside of her, the harder she would cum. It was hot.
I wish I could give awards to some of these whores, because the good ones deserve to be noticed and praised for their actions, which is usually above and beyond the call of duty.
Buddha bless good whores like Ae. They just don’t sell them like that anymore.
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Categories: Memories, On The Road, Random Photos, Sex, Thailand, Whores
Tags: A great Thai whore, Thai girls, Whores
12 January 2006 by dwb
I was told to shut up today by a deaf / mute Thai prostitute. Seriously.
She put her fingers on my lips, squeezing them shut, then used her other hand to motion “no, no, no” with her big finger.
What bothers me the most is, why would she even care? It’s not like she could hear what I was saying. And why in the hell was I trying to talk to her in the first place?
If you haven’t banged a deaf / mute yet, get on it. They make some strange noises.
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Categories: Keepin It Real, Pure Awesomeness, Thailand, Whores
Tags: Deaf, Deaf hookers, Mute, Owned
11 January 2006 by dwb
This is why people are getting bird flu.
Call it a hunch, but you should not eat anything that looks like this, has been sitting on a street stall all day, on top of dead frogs, and still has its head attached.
Just sayin’.
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Categories: Keepin It Real, Random Photos, Thailand, Thinking Out Loud
Tags: Bird Flu, Free Bird Flu, Just sayin', Shit I Didn't Want To Eat
08 January 2006 by dwb
How hungry would you have to be to much on these?
Well, if you’re Thai, you may eat these disgusting things like us westerners eat popcorn. But why don’t they just eat popcorn? There is simply no reason, other than you are starving to death, for you to eat any of these.
And yes, I know a scorpion isn’t a “bug” so don’t start.
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Categories: Keepin It Real, Random Photos, Thailand, What The Fuck
Tags: Eating bugs in Thailand, Shit I Didn't Want To Eat
25 December 2005 by dwb
We took this Christmas photo just for you.
It was shot a few minutes before we shot the first ever Ladyboy bukkake scene. That’s right, each and every one of these sexy ladyboys dropped their load on the face of one lucky ladyboy, the one sitting in the very middle of it all.
13 ladyboys in all.
Of course, it didn’t go down as smooth as we would have liked it to, but we did get a scene out of it.
Merry Christmas!
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Categories: On The Road, Preposterousness, Pure Awesomeness, Random Photos, Shemales, Thailand
Tags: Ladyboy Bukkake, Ladyboys, Merry Christmas
18 December 2005 by dwb
This is a man made pussy.
Now poke your eyes out and just maybe you can forget what you have seen here.
Or… get on a plane and fly 24 hours to bang out a hot post-op ladyboy.
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Categories: And Now You Know, Keepin It Real, On The Road, Porno, Preposterousness, Shemales, Thailand, What The Fuck
Tags: Chopped Off Cock, Ladyboys, Man Made Pussy, Post-Op Ladyboy
17 December 2005 by dwb
Transsexuals often take hormones and this can cause them to have soft cocks. Normally that is not an issue, but when you’re shooting porn, you need a hard cock.
It’s a good thing we have Hicks around to fluff them.
This pic is a snapshot of Hicks doing what he does best. But in this case, nothing was going to get this little ladyboy hard. She was the little ladyboy who thought she could.
She flat out lied to me about being able to get hard and had nothing but a limp baby dick the entire time. It was a wasted time and wasted money, as I make it a point to sell ladyboy porn where all of the ladyboys have hard cocks.
At least Hicks got to suck some dick. After this shoot we went to see King Kong. Made me forget all about limp ladyboy cocks for 3 hours.
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Categories: And Now You Know, Keepin It Real, On The Road, Porno, Shemales, Thailand, Whores
Tags: Hurricane Hicks, Ladyboys, Limp Ladyboy Dicks, Porn Fluffer
16 December 2005 by dwb
As predicted, things got way out of hand over here. Hicks was skull fucked by a Ladyboy tonight. I’m not sure where to go from here.

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Categories: On The Road, Porno, Preposterousness, Shemales, Thailand, What The Fuck
Tags: Asia, Bangkok, Chaos, Hurricane Hicks, Injury, Ladyboys, Say What?, What The Fuck
15 December 2005 by dwb
You never know what is going to happen on a shoot. Usually they go somewhat as planned. Sometimes they don’t. And sometimes you are given little gifts that make it all worthwhile.
Today I was given a small gift.
We were filming a ladyboy bukkake scene (the first ever I believe) and I took my eye off the camera and scene for just a moment to make sure I was not going to step on something I didn’t want to step on, and I saw what you see in the photo.
This was totally unexpected and the last time I saw him, he was fully dressed in the other room.
Good laughs.
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Categories: On The Road, Preposterousness, Pure Awesomeness, Random Photos, Shemales, Something Positive, Thailand, What The Fuck
Tags: Ladyboy Bukkake, Ladyboys, Surprise