Skull fucked by a ladyboy!
by dwbAs predicted, things got way out of hand over here. Hicks was skull fucked by a Ladyboy tonight. I’m not sure where to go from here.
Sometimes I make porn and stuff. Sometimes I just ramble.
As predicted, things got way out of hand over here. Hicks was skull fucked by a Ladyboy tonight. I’m not sure where to go from here.
You never know what is going to happen on a shoot. Usually they go somewhat as planned. Sometimes they don’t. And sometimes you are given little gifts that make it all worthwhile.
Today I was given a small gift.
We were filming a ladyboy bukkake scene (the first ever I believe) and I took my eye off the camera and scene for just a moment to make sure I was not going to step on something I didn’t want to step on, and I saw what you see in the photo.
This was totally unexpected and the last time I saw him, he was fully dressed in the other room.
Good laughs.
It is true that we learn something new every day.
Today I learned that when shemales take hormones, they can produce milk from their tits just like a genetically born woman.
My simple meat and potatoes mind is having a hard time digesting this one.
A woman who lives but a few minutes from me was arrested today for not paying ONE DOLLAR ($1) in taxes. Unreal.
Look at this if you dare. Then find Jesus because your going to need him. But before you even think about Jesus, meet Buck.
OK, now start thinking about Jesus.
Where do we go from here? Please enlighten me because after this, I’m not sure what’s going on anymore.
I’m watching TV tonight desperately trying to find ANYTHING worth watching on the 400+ channels I have, when I stop to watch one of the newer Girls Gone Wild commercials. What is up with these whores?
This time they are one some island but they are also searching for new girls to be on the island and compete for something. Not sure what, but it looks degrading. Yea, I know, pot meet kettle, but these are not dirty hookers. They are also in the clubs having girls do push ups on the floor and comment that she is doing the push ups in vomit before showing her tits. I’ve done a lot of bad things to girls, but never anything like that. Yuk. Have a little pride for fucks sake. Everyone fucks, but who does push-ups in other peoples vomit?
That’s when it hit me.
These are the stupidest, desperate for attention whores I have ever seen. The dumb fucking sluts are showing their tits, doing push ups in vomit and making complete asses of themselves. At least porn chicks get PAID for sucking dicks and taking loads in the ass. That is respectable. You can respect hookers and strippers because they are making good money doing what it is they do. But these ignorant drunk sluts are just showing it off for what? A t-shirt? Maybe a few bucks but God damn… everyone including their father is going to see this shit late night on TV. “Is that my baby girl doing push ups in vomit?”
The guy who made this is a genius (and a rapist/asshole/tax evader apparently) but the drunk whores they get to flash the tits need to have a foot put in their ass. If any girlfriend of mine ever came home from a club to tell me she flashed her tits (for free) to some camera crew, I would kick her out of the house immediately and burn her belongings in the street. If you know one of these dumb whores who have flashed their tits for free or have done push ups in vomit, please do the same. They may not be “dirty whores” but they are the dumbest whores I’ve ever seen.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on here?
Does anyone know who made this or if there is more of it?
If porn at the airport is going to be seized, I’d love to be a fly on the wall when some weirdo comes through with an entire laptop full of crazy shit like this.
I’m home 1 day and I read this. Things are getting WAY out of hand. They need to be worried about extremist trying to high-jack planes and not jack off material that is being carried INTO the USA. What is happening to this country?
Follow this link for the full story.
I wish them the best of luck trying to identify what obscenity or “normal pornography” is right there at the airport. “Normal pornography” for me is when 2 Asian girls are pissing on each other while getting fucked my multiple black men. So “normal pornography” is relative.
It does say on the customs form that “obscene material is GENERALLY prohibited” and I have used that argument many times when they have searched me and found my porn. So far no problems. Only time will see how far these ass hats will go. My guess is, they will go as far as they can and then go a little further. We’ll all let them do it and then complain along the way.
Derrick just flew in and we have been on the grind looking for a few DVD “box cover” type girls to shoot. We ended up by mistake in this scary, and I mean SCARY town about an hour or so out of the city where it is 100% black people. I’m talking purple blacks left over from the slave days. It wasn’t scary because it was full of blacks, it was scary because… well, it was dark and you couldn’t see them in the shadows, but you knew they were there looking at us because we were probably the only non-blacks to enter this little town in 50 years. I’d bet most of them have never even seen a white guy, until now.
Then they started surrounding us as if we had fallen from the sky. It was very creepy and a bit scary. As far as we knew, they were cannibals and dinner was just delivered.
We were told about a small bar in town where the whores were so off we went to do what we do. We pulled up to the place and I shit you not the translation of the name meant “The Little Monkeys.” Now, I don’t care who you are, that’s funny. How is anyone going to name a bar in a 100% black town anything to do with monkeys? That’s so wrong you can’t help but laugh. You can bet if there was a white man who came through this town before us, he owns that bar.
Anyhoo… it was time to move on and we got about 10 minutes outside of this little black town and was pulled over by the military police for a random check. Here in Colombia they do this all the time but tonight it was a small unit (10 – 15 guys) with HUGE machine guns, full camouflage outfits and war like face paint. It was very intimidating. This was our 3rd shake down in 3 days so we knew the drill… out of the car slowly, smile, they search you then the car, check your ID and your on the way. Only this time, dip shit Derrick didn’t have any ID on him so you can guess what happened next.
The military police told him it was illegal to travel without it within the country, and it is. They said he had to stay there while I went to get the passport. If I did not come back with it, he was going to jail. Being the smart gringo that I was I tried to bribe the main guy and all hell broke loose as I offended him. We later found out that this hard ass loves his job and has spent the last 17 years (count ‘em) living IN THE JUNGLE fighting militant groups and drug lords. He claims was one of the guys who brought down Pablo Escobar and has also trained in the USA with the Green Berets. 100% total bad ass, and I pissed him off. He could have killed me with his stare alone. In fact, I’d wager a lot of money that this dude could beat the shit out of Chuck Norris with one hand tied behind his back. Yea, he’s that big of a bad ass. At least he looks like one and talks the talk.
So after Sand cooled him down I was off to get the passport and it all worked out fine. 2 hours later we were off to the next town a little shaken from these guys. I don’t frighten easy and I was scared.
Once we got to the next small town we were in search of this Pimp everyone was telling us about. Word on the street is that this cat has the line on all the girls on town and was THE MAN to talk to. After an hour of searching for him, we found him. This “pimp” was only 15 years old and gay. This little boy was a fucking Pimp!!! Unreal. After we confirmed his girls were over the age of 18, I was still a little nervous about dealing with this dude, and went against my gut feeling, and off we went. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Regardless of what he said about his girls being over 18, he took us to meet about 20 girls and all but 2 were underage, some as young as 13. It was sad and heartbreaking to see such young girls for sale. We told him they all needed to be 18 and above, but there is no talking to a pimp of any age it seems. They never listen. Kids pimping kids… what has the world come to?
Apparently this town, which will go unnamed for obvious reasons, is the mecca for child prostitution and a 15 year old gay kid runs it all. Just when you think you have seen and heard it all, something like this comes along and leaves you speechless. When I was 15 I was skateboarding and jacking off in the basement of my parents house while looking at the Sears Catalog bra section. I can’t fathom running whores at that age. So sad.
Knowing the potential for a dangerous situation, we humored the guy for a little while and then went on our way. There are some things I will not be a part of and this is one of them.
You just never know what your going to find walking along the streets in Colombia in the middle of the night.
This naked crack head was just walking around as if everything was normal. Though, looking back, perhaps everything was normal and we were the ones out of place. Now that I think about it, we should have shot this cracked out whore just for the sake of… shit, I dunno, for the sake of shooting something fucked up.
On second though, this was probably a very bad area for us to be roaming around in. We’re probably lucky we were not robbed, killed or kidnapped.
Coming soon to WARNING – only click that link if you’re down to see some of the nastiest hoes ever captured on film.
As you sit in the comforts of your room, maybe even thinking about the homeless people or crack heads where you live, can you think of any reason why this nut job would not only be naked, but so fucking dirty on top of it? I bet she hasn’t worn clothes in months. How can you just walk the streets naked and dirty like this in any country? How do you just lay down naked on the street and go to sleep? Madness. Makes you wonder what’s going through her mind, if anything at all.