Heathens Highway

Sometimes I make porn and stuff. Sometimes I just ramble.

$300 Colombian Hookers

17 August 2005 by dwb

Yesterday I posted photos of these girls with retarded kids. What I forgot to post is that there was some pimp at the show telling us they will come to your room for $300 (USD) an hour. Being the trick that I am, I took his number and told him I would call him in a few days to line something up.

Which one? In the middle?

It is impossible for me to choose which one (or two) I will fuck. Just look at them!!!! I’m going to tell the pimp that I’ll take the one that will let me blow a load in her pussy and see what he says. I’ll even pay extra for that.

How can you choose?

I’ve let women who don’t look anywhere near as good as these whores ruin my life and try to kill me. The way I see it, I’m drawn to that sort of a woman so I may as well get the most expensive, reckless and hottest one I can find. Right? I mean, look at them. I know they are expensive to “keep” but God damn, it just may be worth it for 6 months or so until you get tired of fucking her.

Peep the one on the far right. OMG!

Wow indeed.

Honestly, if I didn’t have work to do today I’d be shacked up smoking weed and drinking rum with 2 of these hookers right now.

This one may be THE ONE...

Creampie material

I almost feel bad saying this, but if you have a woman at home, stop reading right now and go into the room where she is and punch her right in the mouth. I’m usually not one to condone violence against females (unless they throw first) but I’d just wanna kill myself if I was a chick and got a look at these hookers.

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Models and Special Kids

16 August 2005 by dwb

Remember I was talking about a model show a few posts ago? Well, this is what it was.

I'm in love

I want one!

As you can tell, it was beautiful Colombian models doing a fashion show with “special” kids. Coke snorting hotties with retards. Who came up with this idea? I like it!

I'll take it!

Peep the one on the left. OMG!

It was kind of strange watching it because you would be looking at the model, get turned on, then see the kid and lose your wood. Impossible to maintain a constant wood factor of 100%. It was cool of the girls to do though, the kids loved it even if my cock didn’t.

Wife material.

Thank you lord!

We tried to get one of the girls to walk the runway with Kincade but they wouldn’t let him. I did my best to convince them he is retarded, and he gives it hell, but they just wouldn’t budge. You can bet if he was 10 years old he’d be up there.

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Out of control

16 August 2005 by dwb

I’m going to give you the cliff notes on this one because it sickens me to talk about it. Some crazy shit is going on south of the border in the land of coffee and cocaine. Well, the land of coffee, cocaine, weed, raw pussy, guns, guns, more guns and donkey fuckers. Couldn’t get any better, right?

Well, my friend here in Colombia hooked up with another guy who is gay and was (past tense) helping us find some trannys to shoot. Apparently a few days before we meet this dick head he rapes a 13 year old deaf boy at knife point. Then he goes on with his life as if nothing happened.

So the police have been looking for this guy and when someone finally notices him, guess where he just happens to be and who with? Bingo! You can imagine the rest of the story. Ill just say its not a pretty one. I hope they cut this fuckers balls off. You can picture the scene for such a raid and the hell that broke loose when it happened. I’m surprised we all didn’t get shot just for being with the guy.

Gay child molesters, donkey fucking brothers, transsexuals, pornos, drugs… I think I need to change countries before shit really gets out of hand. We’re WAY over the line on this trip. I’m pretty sure one of us won’t even make it back.

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Donkey Fucking Brothers

14 August 2005 by dwb

You know your going to have a crazy day when your friend wakes you up with, “hey dude, wake up… I just got off the phone with the tranny… we gotta go” and then leaves the room and leaves behind the smell of home grown Colombian sticky. My interest was peaked.

Donker Fucking brothel I spent my day riding around in a taxi with my friend, 2 transsexuals and a cab driver who fucks donkeys (“Coma Burra”). Yea, you read that right. Keep reading. See, here in Colombia some people think that if you have sex with a female baby donkey, you will get a large cock when you grow up. Uh-huh. So some country boys here fuck donkeys and our taxi driver just happened to be one of these guys, as is his brother, who we renamed, “Coma Burra dos.” I wish I could make this up but I couldn’t event dream of something so insane.

Hunter Thompson has a quote, “You don’t find acid. Acid finds you when it thinks you’re ready for it.

Applying that to “crazy situations” I have to believe the same applies. Just swap out the word “acid” for “crazy situations.” You don’t find crazy situations. Crazy situations find you when it thinks you’re ready for one.

OK… where was I? Ah yes… Donkey fuckers.

“Coma Burra” means Donkey Fucker in Spanish. The brothers are from this day to be addressed as “donkey fucker 1″ and “donkey fucker 2.” You can say it in English or Spanish, it doesn’t matter. And why doesn’t it matter? BECAUSE THEY FUCK BABY DONKEYS!!!!! Nothing matters from this point on. In fact, nothing may ever matter again.

DF1 and DF2 are so open about it that it’s creepy, but we are still using them every day as our personal drivers and somehow, in some odd way, there is a bond taking place. Maybe we need D1 and D2 and maybe they need us. Is it possible the universe brought us all together as fate? No fucking idea, I’m high as fuck right now and tripping balls on the fact that these two dudes fuck baby donkeys and I’m going to roll with THEM.

I’ll post pics in a day or two of donkey fucker 1. BTW, donkey fucker 1 is married and STILL likes to fuck the young donkeys. He said baby donkey pussy is better than a real womans pussy. Hmmmmm. Sounds like a trap in the making to me.

So here we are in the barrios where people are riding horses and donkeys around and with me, my Colombian dope smoking friend, two 1/2 dressed transsexuals and a donkey fucker who is wearing a ball hat that says “criminals” on it. We’re driving around on dirt roads in some of the scariest places known to man, looking for girls and trannys to make pornos. Glorious. I have a moment of clarity here and decide at this very moment, the universe is as it should be. We’re going to move forward.

At this stage, all we needed were a few teenage schoolgirls and some hard drugs and we would of been set. Well, one of the trannys had some coke but I don’t touch that shit. Not here, in the middle of the craziest group of people I’ve ever been surrounded by in my life. I’ll pass this time. So then I guess all we needed were some little girls and it would of iced the cake of insanity. Today has been insane my friends. Just insane.

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A new city… a new hope.

12 August 2005 by dwb

We have managed to find our way into a new city in Colombia and to be honest with you, I don’t know the name of it. It’s some small place near Santa Marta and it’s so fucking hot, I just want to curl up into a ball and die. I’m not sure but the city may be called “Hell” or maybe the “Surface of the Sun.” I’d have to look at the map to be sure, but you can count on it being one of those two. Of all my travels, I have yet to feel heat like this. It’s incredible.

In case you don’t know, hot water is not something that is normal here. They have Normal water, and that means that it is of normal temperature. What ever that means because it’s still cold. I have not had a HOT shower since I got here and I always cry about cold showers until I got to this city. Now I’m taking an ice cold shower every 4 hours.

But you don’t care about that, you want to hear about the girls right? Fuuuuuuuck! They are everywhere here! Shakin’ their bon bon in the discos, the streets, brothels, the malls, bus stops… it’s unreal. I’m going to go out to shoot just some normal girls and your going to poke your eyes out when you see how hot they are.

Wait… news coming in right now… hold on.

Sand (my trusted Colombian gigolo and procurer of all things fine) just came and told me there is a model show, a real modeling show, happening right now down the street! I gotta go! I’ll grab the cam and post photos later. It’s about to go down!

Suddenly it doesn’t feel so hot.

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Alive, but on the run!

11 August 2005 by dwb

Well, my internet never got installed and we ran into some major problems with the local police about the same time the guys shooting down in Brazil did. The two are not related, but I’m taking a break from the city I’m in and moving around for a few weeks to let some things cool off.

However, we did a few shoots over the past couple of days… here are 3 of the girls.

This one loves as much cum in her as you can give her. Cum slut I got a nut in this one too!

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Digging Ditches vs Dial-Up

06 August 2005 by dwb

God does not want me to be online and tell you about all the amazing pussy down here. In fact, he hates the thought of me tell you about it so much that he has condemned me to Internet Hell. Why, you ask? Because he is a cock blocker. A cock blocker of such magnitude that if you even tried to fathom just how big a CB he is, you’re mortal head would just implode.

Honestly, why would you even claim to have the internet if I could get information faster to you via currier pigeon? “FREE INTERNET HERE” the sign says on the door. My ass. I guess it could be worse, I could be digging ditches somewhere or sold into labor slavery in India.

OK… Pssst… God is not paying attention right now so listen up. Last night we went to a local disco in the barrio, danced salsa until 4am and drank so much Rum that it is a real challenge to type at this moment. I’m pretty sure I had sex with two girls but I was tossed, as far as I know one of them (or both) could be trannies. Not that it even matters right now bec… ah shit, he’s coming back and looking over here, I’ll catch back up later when the big CB is sleeping.

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Hell Is: a Dial Up connection

03 August 2005 by dwb

I just moved into my new apartment and was able to leech a stellar wi’fi connection from someone in the area up until this morning, but I think they caught. Now I’m sitting in an internet cafe on what may the slowest internet connection in the history of slow internet connections.

The good news is, when I finish this post I’m going to get laid.

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The perfect Mojito

02 August 2005 by dwb

Even better than the ones I've had in Cuba!

The perfect Mojito

Since this wonderful Cuban cocktail is the drink of choice at the moment (Yea, I know we’re in Colombia but…), here is how you can make your own.

What you’ll need:
* 2 1/2 oz. light rum
* 1 lime
* 1 tbsp. simple syrup
* mint leaves (8 or so sprigs worth)
* ice
* club soda
* tall glass
* spoon, or some other utensil that can be used to mash the mint leaves

1. Make simple syrup: Heat equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan until just before boiling and stir until the sugar has completely dissolved. Make up a big batch, say a cup of sugar and a cup of water, than toss it in the fridge… it will easily keep for a couple of weeks, during which time you will be able to whip up mojitos at a moment’s notice, to the delight of your very fortunate friends.

2. Place the mint leaves and 1 tbsp. of the simple syrup (cooled) in the glass, then squish it all around with a spoon (or whatever appropriate utensil you can find) for 20-30 seconds, until you can smell that good minty smell.

3. Cut the lime in half. Squeeze the juice out from both halves into the glass, then drop one half into the glass.

4. Pour in the rum and stir.

5. Add plenty of ice, then top off the mixture with club soda. Garnish with mint and enjoy!

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Par-tay Photos!

01 August 2005 by dwb

By now you should know that if Kincade is to befriend anyone, it would be the club owners aka the guys with the drinks.

Kincade does what he does best!

While I’m busy trying to organize the girls so I can take photos of them in a manner that I will remember who the hell they are, Kincade is trying to out drink the local drunk. Kincade won. Then he waltz into the bathroom on occasion, pulls his elephant cock out and has the girl suck on it for a minute or two. He wins again. Then walks back out and heads right back to the bar.

He'll be back...

Enough about him. Lets talk about the guy who looks like the Colombian Terminator in the photo above. He’s going to help bang the girls and maybe a few shemales. He’s a cool cat but he speaks ZERO English. He wears his sunglasses at night and takes his shirt off while he dances. The girls seem to love him. He starts working with us in a few days.

This photo doesn’t really do it justice, but it may start to shed some light on what was going on.

The ALL want to be famous!

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Scouting girls in Cartagena, Colombia

31 July 2005 by dwb

Hola Amigos!
Well, we made it in after missing our first flight out of CVG (Cincinnati) and we’re in a net cafe totally pooped from last night. It was the best “first night” I’ve ever spent anywhere, and that’s saying a lot.

It was bananas. We shut a club down to meet girls and had about 50 or 60 (all whores) show up to get naked and do some test shots for us. I figured the best way to get the party started was to have the locals spread the word before we got there that there was going to be a big party with FREE DRINKS, but the catch is all the girls have to at least test shoot for the movies. We were taking their photos in the bathroom while the party raged around us. Good times and lots of titties!

Cartagena Chica! Colombian teen

I ended up spending around $1000 USD on the party but we now have plenty of chicks to choose from, lots of numbers and I personally stuck my cock in 16 different girls last night (4 orgasms) while in the bathroom. Kincade had at least 30 sets of lips on his cock. I love this country! We also had two dudes with big ass machine guns guarding the place to keep the local guys out. So imagine, it’s me, Kincade, a few of my Colombian make friends and 50 – 60 drunk Colombian hookers from the barrio. You do the math. It was worth every penny.

Just in case you’re wondering why we didn’t do them all, as that is exactly what I would be thinking if I was reading this, was because 1/2 of them were split or had such a strong foul order coming from their hooch that I didn’t want it anywhere near me. I’m sure you can understand.

Colombian barrio girl 1 Barrio queen

Mmmmmmm. Yummy barrio girls. :-) Rather than try to shoot the “hottest” model types, we prefer to shoot real girls, normal chicks and girls you’d never kick out of bed. They are a hell of a lot easier to work with than whores who think they’re somebody.

I fucked this girl a lot over the next few weeks. She loved getting creampied! Sexy Chica

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And so it begins.

27 July 2005 by dwb

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to hit the open road. Welcome to Heathens Highway!

This has been a long time coming but it was only recently that I had the time to get this blog up and running.

Coincidentally, we leave on another South American adventure in just 28 hours so I’m sure your going to get some great posts over the next 2 months as Mr. Kincade and I travel through Colombia shooting for my upcoming Latin site and the popular DVD series Pretty Little Latinas released by Third World Media, as well as a new DVD for Mr. X Productions (distributed by Pure Play Media) entitled Chocolate Chicas featuring black models from Latin America.

Everything has fallen into place for us recently so we are off to do what we do best, shoot hookers in foreign lands. We will be posting the good, the bad and the ugly here and giving it to you uncensored, the way it should be. My cock is throbbing just thinking about what incredible pussy awaits.  I have such a thing for Latinas and black Latinas, it’s not healthy.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the ride. Oh, one more thing, lets also remember that everything that has a beginning, also has an end. I don’t know where or when the road will end, but rest assured it will, and it won’t be pretty.

I’d buckle up if I were you.

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