24 January 2006
by dwb
I’ve been reading a really heavy book called “Sex Slaves: The Trafficking Of Women In Asia” by Louise Brown.
The book is from travels and research of the author when he explored the dark side of the sex industry in Asia. He highlights stories from girls who have escaped a life of slavery and tells stories of the majority who have not.
It is a most disturbing read.
Even if you think you know all there is to know about modern sex slaves, you should read this book, because you probably don’t have a clue.
The author dives deep into “why” they are trafficked, and “who” is trafficking and buying the girls. He also explains why it is so culturally accepted among many Asian nations.
A disturbing but necessary read for anyone who enjoys the guilty pleasures of the Asian sex industry.
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Categories: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Whores
Tags: Asia, Book Club, Human Trafficking, Sex Slaves
16 December 2005
by dwb
As predicted, things got way out of hand over here. Hicks was skull fucked by a Ladyboy tonight. I’m not sure where to go from here.

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Categories: On The Road, Porno, Preposterousness, Shemales, Thailand, What The Fuck
Tags: Asia, Bangkok, Chaos, Hurricane Hicks, Injury, Ladyboys, Say What?, What The Fuck
15 December 2005
by dwb
What a night last night. I had two Thai hookers sucking me off in the blow job bar and drained every drop of nut from my balls. It was incredible.
After the BJs, we headed to Nana Plaza where we met a ladyboy named Nadia who has a 10 inch cock. For a Brazilian that may be the norm but for an Asian transsexual, it is just insane. It is bat shit crazy. Notice there are 4 hands on it and the head still pops out of the top! And yes, both the small ladyboy and the guy took it in the ass until they bled.

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Categories: On The Road, Porno, Random Photos, Shemales, Thailand
Tags: Asia, Bangkok, Hurricane Hicks, Ladyboys, Nana Plaza, Transsexuals, What The Fuck
18 October 2005
by dwb
There. I said it.
I’m so sick and tired of getting fear pumped into us 24/7 by the media and the powers that be, often one of the same. Bird flu, be alert at the airports, be alert on the trains, watch out of carbon monoxide gas, AIDS, terrorist want to kill us, there are stolen nuclear weapons, Anthrax, chemical warfare, Muslim extremists, and I’m sure I am missing out on 50 others but you get the point. It’s like we’re all living at DEFCON 2.
People are supposed to die. Shit happens. A plague happens every 100 years or so and we are overdue. Lets lighten up and a bit and let the cards fall where they may. It’s a fact that you and I are going to die so lets accept this fact and enjoy what life we have instead of worrying sick about everything that is fed into our little sheep minds. I refuse to live in fear of this garbage because it is totally out of our control. Don’t fear bird flu, fear 25 Colombian military police kicking your door in accusing you of making child porn. That is fear.
As I write this bird flu BS post I’m gearing up for Thailand and of course, they are having bird flu problems. Last year it was SARS, which by the way I was quarantined for when I got back to the USA. That is a funny story within itself and will tell you about it later. Before SARS, Thailand had AIDS. I’m sure something is already in the works for when we are no longer afraid of SARS. Something new will emerge and scare us all to death. It will be a pandemic and probably global. You will be afraid to leave your house and the stock market will fall because of it, while the pharmaceutical companies who create the vaccine will see record profits. It’s all become so predictable. Yawn.
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Categories: Keepin It Real, Thinking Out Loud, Uncategorized
Tags: Asia, Fear Inc., Illness
02 October 2005
by dwb
Well, there goes my planned trip to Bali this winter. 22 Dead, 50 injured. This is the 2nd attack in 3 years, the first being in October 2002.
I think the world is being too easy on countries who harbor terrorist. The “Axis Of Evil” countries. Call me crude, but we (or someone) should give these shit holes 48 hours to deport all terrorists and extremist from their country or we will kindly remove the country in question from the map. We have an asshole for a president who is willing to fight this “war on terror” and I think he is just the prick to get the job done. Everyone already hates him, why not go out hated AND be known as the man who stomped out terrorism.
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Categories: Drama Factor, Indonesia, Uncategorized
Tags: Asia, Indonesia, Injury, Uh-Oh