01 April 2006
by dwb
Oops, I was wrong. I thought Pretty Little Latinas #35 was the last of our Colombian adventures (and a Brazilian scene or two), but somehow I forgot about a few chicas.
This is Pretty Little Latinas 36, and it’s out now.

All I seem to think about anymore is Asian school girls, so I slip up when it comes to things like Colombian hookers.
I should be ashamed of myself. Seriously.
After checking it out, I can say without a doubt that there are some hot girls on this DVD and some smoking hot bareback sex to match.
This is a must have for fans of the Pretty Little Latinas series.
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Categories: Brazil, Colombia, On The Road, Porno
Tags: DVD Release, Pretty Little Latinas 36, South America
27 February 2006
by dwb
Third World Media is pumping out DVDs faster than I can shoot them.
Here is Pretty Little Latinas #35, shot in Colombia.
If memory serves, this will be the last DVD from Colombia because right after this was shot we were raided and all of our footage and gear seized by the policia. All of the other footage was shipped home before the raid and this is what your getting here.
This DVD is kind of personal to me because both of the cover girls were my private cum dumpsters for most of the time we were there. I rotated them every few days. The one on the left was a phenomenal whore. She was a coke head, as many are in Colombia, but she was simply fantastic and would massage my cock with her pussy after I would cum in her. True talent. I’d put that whore on the national flag if I was the president down there.
Good times.
I hope I didn’t make any babies.
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Porno, Sex, Whores
Tags: DVD Release, Pretty Little Latinas 35, South America
13 February 2006
by dwb
And yet another DVD hits the streets. This one was also shot in Colombia last year, with a bonus scene from a bad ass girl from Brazil.
Pretty Little Latinas 34
There is a girl in this DVD named Shalaby, who is married, works in a brothel, and tells her husband that she is going to school, so he sends her money to do so. That guy is going to beat her scandalous ass if he ever sees this scene.
Another one of the girls in the movie has a boyfriend who is a policeman.
Both of them had zero problems taking raw cock and pussies full of cum.
God bless whores.
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Porno, Sex, Whores
Tags: DVD Release, Pretty Little Latinas 34, South America, Whores
22 December 2005
by dwb
Chest Full Of Latinas is yet another Latin release from Third World Media, but this one features, you guessed it… big tits!
You’d have to be a communist to not like this movie. Seriously.
I shot a few of the scenes in Colombia and the rest were shot in Brazil by someone else.
All of the girls are winners in the big natural tit category. The girl in the middle, you know… the one with the big tits, spent a few nights with me in Bogota and let me use her as a cum dump. It didn’t take me long to cum when I was watching those big floppy tits bounce everywhere. And did I mention those massive floppies are filled with milk? Yummy.
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Categories: Colombia, Porno, Pure Awesomeness, Sex
Tags: Big Tits, Chest Full Of Latinas, DVD Release, South America
22 December 2005
by dwb
Pretty Little Latinas 33 was shot in both Colombia and Brazil, but I only shot the Colombian scenes and none of my girls made the cover.
I haven’t seen the final movie yet, but I know the scenes I shot for it are fun and hot. There is a blond in the movie that we shot in a short-time fuck hotel, and right after the shoot the police showed up.
The security of the hotel was cool and told us the police were alerted to “suspicious activity” taking place there and was searching all the rented rooms. We flipped the guy a few bucks to tell the police our room was empty, and that is exactly what he did.
There were a few of us in there, but we turned off the lights and group fucked in the dark until we got the “all clear” signal.
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Categories: Colombia, Porno
Tags: DVD Release, Pretty Little Latinas 33, South America
01 October 2005
by dwb
These guys work fast. I’m just home a few days and still wiping the shit from my pants from the police raid and they sent me the cover already of Pretty Little Latinas 32.
This video line is one of the hottest Latin lines out there IMHO, mostly shot in Brazil until now. We are very happy to be part of this series and take it to new countries.
We’re thinking about hitting Peru next. Gotta consult with Kincade and see what the great Oracle says. Or maybe we’ll just stick to Asia for a while.
This DVD hits the streets in 3 weeks, make sure you pick it up so our arrest was not in vain.
You can order direct by hitting them up here: Third World Media
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Porno
Tags: DVD Release, Movies, Pretty Little Latinas, Pretty Little Latinas 32, Third World Media, Whores