05 October 2005
by dwb
“I’m turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so, Turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so, I’m turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so, Turning Japanese I think I’m turning Japanese I really think so…”
What a great song. I get happy every time I hear it. Then I get wood thinking about all the hot Japanese girls who long for my seed.
I have to really stop looking at Japanese porn cause it’s making me lose focus. These girls are so damn cute I can’t stand it. I’m not sure who these pics belong to but I’m going to dedicate some sperm to each and every one of them.
I’m thinking it’s time to devote an entire section to the awesomeness of Japanese chicks.

Please, email me with your favorite Jgirls. I need them!

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Categories: Japanese Girls, Random Photos
Tags: Hot Girls, Hotness, Japanese Girls
25 August 2005
by dwb
If any of you have been to a Latin country, or maybe even live in an area that is thick with Latinas, you will know that the women LOVE to show off their cleavage. To the point that it’s unhealthy. To the point that you eye ball them thinking of ways to rip their shirts off and get away with it. All day it’s an overkill of boobs coming at you.
Right now, I’m sitting in an internet cafe and the rack on the girl working here is enough to turn a man into a sex offender. Seriously. I’m guessing she is a natural DD and 70% of her tits are showing with monster cleavage. She has on a tight tank top with boobs to just die for. Boobs to KILL FOR! Wars are started over tits like this. Brothers kill brothers over tits like this. And eventually, the end of mankind will come because of boobs like this. And God dammit, if “death by titties” is how I’m going to go, that is a noble death.
I need to get out of here and rub one off. I’ll be back later.
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Categories: Colombia, Thinking Out Loud
Tags: Colombia, Hot Girls, Hotness
12 August 2005
by dwb
We have managed to find our way into a new city in Colombia and to be honest with you, I don’t know the name of it. It’s some small place near Santa Marta and it’s so fucking hot, I just want to curl up into a ball and die. I’m not sure but the city may be called “Hell” or maybe the “Surface of the Sun.” I’d have to look at the map to be sure, but you can count on it being one of those two. Of all my travels, I have yet to feel heat like this. It’s incredible.
In case you don’t know, hot water is not something that is normal here. They have Normal water, and that means that it is of normal temperature. What ever that means because it’s still cold. I have not had a HOT shower since I got here and I always cry about cold showers until I got to this city. Now I’m taking an ice cold shower every 4 hours.
But you don’t care about that, you want to hear about the girls right? Fuuuuuuuck! They are everywhere here! Shakin’ their bon bon in the discos, the streets, brothels, the malls, bus stops… it’s unreal. I’m going to go out to shoot just some normal girls and your going to poke your eyes out when you see how hot they are.
Wait… news coming in right now… hold on.
Sand (my trusted Colombian gigolo and procurer of all things fine) just came and told me there is a model show, a real modeling show, happening right now down the street! I gotta go! I’ll grab the cam and post photos later. It’s about to go down!
Suddenly it doesn’t feel so hot.
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road
Tags: Colombia, Hot Girls