Heathens Highway

Sometimes I make porn and stuff. Sometimes I just ramble.

Tag Archives for: Pattaya

But I’m not gay

03 June 2006 by dwb

Today I started shooting some make-up scenes for a gay movie I made and 2 of the scenes did not turn out as wanted. I was supposed to shoot with Allan, one of the Brazilian boys, but he was unable to shoot and I had no choice but to use another Thai boy.

My Thai assistant went out and found a top and a bottom. Both were good looking boys, one of them so gay he left a trail of rainbow flames behind him as he walked around the room. “Intergalactic uber gay” are the words I am looking for.

I shot the solo photos and started into the scene where I was planning to shoot the BJ footage, then stop and do the BJ photos, then move on. Being that they were inexperienced, I would have to walk them through this step by step. Not a problem, I’m used to working this way.

The first boy sucks the hell out of the other boys cock, and when it comes time to switch the other boy says, “can not do, I not gay.”


So this freaking little boy refuses to suck the other boys cock because all of a sudden he is not gay.Besides the fact that he works at a gay bar. Besides the fact he is a gay prostitute. Besides the fact he said he was gay. Besides the fact he was just letting another boy blow him on video… he is now saying he is not gay.

Then it hits me. Even the gay boys pull this stunt!

The girls do it all the time. So do some of the ladyboys. The lazy whores will tell you anything you want to hear until they get to the room and then they say they can’t do this or that, after they told you they already can. Tell you they will do anal and then when it comes time to stick it in their ass say they don’t do anal and can’t do anal. The trick is for them to bullshit you into paying their bar fine, getting them out of the bar, and paying them for doing less work. Or even better, no work at all.

Some of them then want you to pay them full price so they can leave without having to work. This is very common these days and a damn good whore trick. I mean really… what are you going to do, call the police on them? And they know this. The boys are no exception to this rule it appears.

So I lose my cool on this scamming little fuck and tell him at least he has to jerk him off and fuck him. I let him slide on the cock sucking, because while that is gay to him, the other acts are not.

He jacks him off a little but neither of the boys have any wood at all.


The scene just went to total shit. I want to murder them both.

I’m not one to give up on a scene, so we tough it out until there is a little wood and we can somewhat finish this sorry excuse for a scene. The “straight boy” was finally able to cum, and the other boy, the intergalactic uber gay boy, beat his limp dick for an hour and could not cum. I called it a wrap.

As they were getting dressed, the intergalactic uber gay boy admits to being awake for 3 days on drugs.

Then the phone rings, it is John T Bone.

John: I just had the worst shoot.

Me: What happened?

John: It was 6 people, 2 girls and 4 boys… bi sex.

Me: And…

John: We spent all day shooting photos and 30 minutes into the scene when it came time for the boys to start fucking, they told me they couldn’t do it because they were not gay.

Me: The exact thing happened to me today! Wow. Maybe they called each other this morning and planned it out. Boyztown is out to get us I have heard.

John: They wasted my entire day. This was a big event, lots of planning. They all said they were gay! Fucking liars, all of them.

Me: What’s the cat think about this?

John: The cat is gone. Jenny ate him for real this time.

Me: So your boys were not gay AND Jenny ate the cat for real?

John: Yup, I think so. He had such a bright future ahead of him.

Me: Fuck. Your day was worse than mine. I need a blow job and a massage, wanna go get a Soapy?

John: Can’t, I have four more boys coming over now to finish the scene. I may throw one off my balcony just to prove a point.

Me: And what point would that be?

John: That they had better suck cocks when I say to start sucking cocks.

Me: Best of luck with that one, sorry about the cat. I hope twinks can fly, I hear some of them can.

(I really read that somewhere)

That was the last I heard of him… 8 hours ago. We both had been fooled by the Boyztown Punk’d Posse.

Hell is… shooting gay porn with boys who are not gay.

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Noi has HIV

30 May 2006 by dwb

Last night I was going to work with a girl who I have shot several times before. She may be one of, if not the sweetest girl I have met in Thailand.

Lets call her Noi.

Noi always remembers my birthday and will even call me in the USA if I am not here. Very rare.

Noi never forgets me on Christmas and even knows that I collect images and small statues of Buddha, and buys a surprise gift for me from time to time.

Noi is hot but she was never was my girlfriend. She is just a friend with a big heart. She is girl who unfortunately made the wrong choice to sell her body in Thailand.

This past year she met a man from Switzerland who took her out of the bar scene and was living with her in Pattaya. After a few months he became very ill and left her with no notice. Poof. One day he was simply gone, and she was back to work.

Before I would take her to work again, I took her to the hospital to get a HIV. Noi tested HIV positive. I paid to have a Western Blot test which confirms the test. That was also positive.

Noi has HIV.

While we’ll never know exactly where she caught the virus, as she is a working girl, I only know that her previous tests were negative and only after she started dating the guy from Switzerland did she test positive. My guess is she caught it from him.

This was terribly sad news, but it is unfortunately part of life over here. She took it better than I expected her to, but she was upset, as you would expect.

Most of the girls who have tested HIV+ for us are usually found the very next day working in the same place we found them. We’ll often see them walking with customers, hand and hand, but I don’t dare say anything to the guy. It is not my place. He is a  grown man who knows the risks and if he makes the wrong decision and catches HIV himself, he should have known better. It would also turn into a fight between the girl and I as she would see that as me taking away her money. And the last thing I want is an HIV+ girl violently attacking me.

Since you can pay off many doctors to stamp a positive test as a negative test here 500 baht, I have made it a habit to be in the room for the results. The down side of this is that I am there when the girls are told of their HIV+ status. That also means I am there to watch them fall apart or go right back to work as if nothing happened. Whatever their reaction, I don’t enjoy watching it.

While staying in Thailand I have known girls who have been killed, girls who are missing, girls who were sold into slavery, girls who escaped slavery, and a good handful of girls who are HIV positive. I see a girl almost daily who is slowly dying of AIDS, still making a poor attempt at selling her skeleton frame of a body, wearing full length shirts and pants to cover the lesions on her skin. Somehow, she is still able to turn tricks.

I also know a girl named Gale who knows she is HIV+ and continues to fuck her clients without condoms. All the girls in her bar know about it, as does the mamasan. She brags about it and says that she does not like the feel of condoms and what will happen will happen. Gale has an abortion every couple months. The bar owner, mamasan and the girls at the bar say nothing. I see her walking with men all the time and all I can think to myself is, “be smart brother, be smart.” Then I think about all the dirty holes I have recklessly thrown my cock into and wondered how many guys have thought the same as they see me walking by with a girl they know.

For as much fun as we have on the road shooting girls and living out all our wildest dreams, moments like really bring you back to reality for a short period of time and allows you to think with your big head instead of your small one.

I don’t know if Noi will take medicine or not for the virus. Many of the girls here don’t. But that is not something that concerns any of us. That is her choice. But what should concern those of you visiting Thailand and pulling girls from the bar is… will you be the one taking Noi back to your room?

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What The Fuck A Go-Go

26 May 2006 by dwb

I was trolling behind Walking Street looking for a cutie to empty my sperm into when I noticed this on the door of one of the Go-Go I frequent.

I’ve been in here 100 times but never seen this until today. My guess is that I’ve never seen this because when you go at night there are always doormen out front opening and closing the door for you.




For Safety Of All

* No Video
* No Photo’s
* No Drugs
* No Lady’s Under 20
* No Guns

Smile Be Happy

What the fuck is going on here?

Lets break this down play by play…

* No Video & No Photo’s
I am a pornographer and a whore monger extreme. At any given moment I have some device on me to capture an event whether it be a terrorist attack on Soi Muslim, bar girl brawl, or my cock shoved into a hole it should not be in. To deny me of this right breaks my heart. I mean, how much fun can you really have if you can document it?

* No Drugs
Considering this is Pattaya, Thailand and 98% of their staff is on drugs, and has yaa-baa and ecstasy in their purse, this rule is just plain fucking stupid. Add that to the fact that 1/4 the guys in there are lit on something and you have yourself one stupid rule. Can you please define what you consider a drug? Is Viagra a drug, because if so you may as well shut the doors and kick out all the 60+ year old men in there with little girls on their laps.

* No Lady’s Under 20
As if I even need to get into this one, but the irony is… this is one of the ONLY bars in town that actually has girls who are underage! Yes, believe it! Most of girls here are not too shy to tell you they are 16 and 17 years old, yet the bar boasts no lady’s under 20. Give me a break. Just say nothing, don’t give me your shit about no lady’s under 20. Even if they were all 18 (and many of them are), the fact you say not under 20 is a wood killer. Who want’s to come to Thailand to bang a 20 year old when you can have one who just turned 18? Get with the program! And where is your icon? You have icons for the other rules but not this one? How about a pacifier or a lollipop in a circle with a line through it? Both great icons.

* No Guns
This is not Cambodia but Thai people are known to carry a gun from time to time. Unlike parts of Cambodia where you may encounter a sign on a door that reads, “NO GUNS, NO EXPLOSIVES, NO GRENADES,” Thailand does not have a huge problem with it. Regardless, what fun is South East Asia if you can’t carry a gun and a camera?

I was once caught in the middle of a back alley shoot out in Bogota, Colombia and to this day wish I would of had my camera phone to document it. That is one of those stories your friends just don’t believe without proof. Considering this Go-Go bar is located in the heart of Dirka-Dirka-ville (Muslim area), a camera is a good thing to have when Achmed decides to claim his 70 virgins in paradise.

* Smile And Be Happy
Go fuck yourself. I would be happy if you would allow me to enter your establishment armed with both my camera and a gun. Be true to yourself, admit your pimping kids and admit they are all hooked on drugs. Your dancers all have camera phones inside the bar and some of them probably have guns. Why you busting my balls? I just want to take photos of 18 year old whores smoking weed out of the barrel of my gun.

Is that too much to ask?

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Selling Pussy For Dummies

02 May 2006 by dwb

So I’m banging this whore today on Soi 6 and she got pissed off at me because I did not wait for her to cum.

I told her that I PAY FOR SEX so I don’t have to pleasure the girl unless I want to out of the kindness of my heart. When I pay for sex, it’s all about ME.

Then I explained to her that if she wants ME to get HER off, that it was going to cost her the exact same amount I just paid her to get me off. She did not find that amusing and our time together ended on a sour note.

Tomorrow I will be taking her a complementary copy of the best selling book Selling Pussy For Dummies. Sure to be a best seller in Thailand. Maybe then she will understand her job duties and limits of her chosen profession.

But then again, I may be assuming too much by thinking she can read.

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