27 April 2007
by dwb

Minus the used rubber on the tube and the void of natural heavy hanging tits, this is my kind of woman. Broke, messy, strung out, sexy, naked and with a big knife! My guess is that she’s a stripper.
I’d marry this dysfunctional whore.
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Categories: Keepin It Real, Random Photos, Whores
Tags: Photos, Random Photos, Sexy Whore, Stripper
01 January 2007
by dwb
Happy 2007 everyone!
The sign posted above is a real sign but they forgot the most important bit of information. In addition to not allowing the Ladyboys upstairs, they forgot to add: “And whatever you do, don’t ever, for any amount of money, let them in the back door.”
I would like to start 2007 with the following advice:
Don’t let the Ladyboys in your back door and you will have a wonderful and prosperous 2007.
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Categories: Random Photos, Shemales, Thailand
Tags: Happy New Year, Ladyboys, Random Photos, Thailand
15 December 2006
by dwb
Sure. Why not?
But if you’re not into this sort of thing, it may give you nightmares.
On the flip side, I’d rather be eaten alive by this odd group of Japanese hotties than a pack of real zombies.
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Categories: Japan, Japanese Girls, Random Photos
Tags: Japan, Japanese Girls, Random Photos, Yamanbas, Zombies
21 September 2006
by dwb
This is the first look at the new Thai Special Forces and Home Guard units that were sent in to bring peace and order to The Kingdom Of Thailand.
Word has it that once they spread a nasty case of Gonorrhea throughout the land, The Kingdom will be theirs for the taking.
Apparently the guard units are also controlling the hospitals, clinics and pharmacies where all STD medicine is stored and administered.
“These whores were not messing around!” claims an American bystander who was nursing his cock wound outside of Nana Plaza. “They moved with such precision and speed, it was impossible to stop them!” said Yootapong Sanatari, a General in the Thai military.
I will post more as the story develops.
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Categories: Preposterousness, Random Photos, Thailand
Tags: Nana Plaza, Patpong, Random Photos, Thai Special Forces, Thailand
30 August 2006
by dwb
Reason #1283 to never, ever have children.
I can assure you with absolute certainty that if I did breed and they lived, my children would do something like this. Almost daily.
Lets hear it for vasectomies!
On 2nd thought, these may be my kids.
When I see this photo, I can’t help but think about my brother and I as kids and all the hell we must have caused my poor mother. Sorry mom.
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Categories: Random Photos, Thinking Out Loud
Tags: Kids, Random Photos
27 January 2006
by dwb
I was told this is the filthiest photo on the internet.
Photoshopped it may be, and disgusting it is, but if there is one worse, I don’t want to see it.
Of course Goatse or Tub Girl are disgusting photos, but neither of them involve a pig or sausage.
Actually, now that I think about it, Tub Girl is worse because it’s real. So is Goatse. So I may be wrong here. This may only be the 3rd filthiest photo online.
If you live in a cave and don’t know about those two pics, you should search for them. You’ll know when you find it.
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Categories: Random Photos, The Internetz, What The Fuck
Tags: Goatse, Random Photos, Tub Girl
02 November 2005
by dwb
This is a great pic. I’m not sure where it hangs or who took it but I want to thank John for sending it to me today.

* They left out the #1 and #2 thing that an older man can give a schoolgirl: LOTS OF CASH and the best 3 minutes of his life! 
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Categories: Preposterousness, Random Photos, The Internetz, Uncategorized
Tags: Fear Inc., Internet, Random Photos, Schoolgirls, STD
19 September 2005
by dwb
I love to eat almost as much as I love to fuck. Almost. Not just any food that you put in front of me, but BAD food. Chocolate, pizza, French fries, ice cream… pretty much everything that will give me a heart attack.
For the past 4 weeks I have been living on shit food. Mostly pizza and chocolate bars because the food in Colombia is just horrible. You can only eat so much chicken and beef before you snap. The smell of these two meats make me want to vomit right now. I have eaten at least 100 birds and a few cows on this trip, I’m sure of it.
Maybe goat meat is the answer? I started drinking warm goat milk the other day it to be honest with you, it wasn’t that bad. Kind of thick, but really not bad. That reminds me, we have been trying to get Kincade to drink cow milk straight from the tit for a case of beer. That fucker will do just about anything for beer but for some reason he wont suck a cows tit. Go figure.
I hear there is a waffle restaurant somewhere in the city and that’s going to be my mission for today. A Belgium waffle with ice cream and strawberries on it. I’ve got 83% wood just thinking about it.

Maybe it’s time to become a vegetarian.
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Random Photos, Thinking Out Loud
Tags: Colombia, Food, Random Photos
17 September 2005
by dwb
After having such a bad run of luck with the T-girls, we took a couple of days off and did some sight seeing. We wanted to get as far away from city people and chaos as possible, so after 5 military check-points and a few hours of driving, we were deep into the mountains in a sleepy mountain town that was freezing cold and drizzling rain. Cobble stone roads, small buildings and no white people. It was perfect.
We picked up some new threads today to blend in with the locals. Now we are so fly we can’t keep the mountain bitches off of us.

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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Preposterousness
Tags: Colombia, Mr. Kincade, Random Photos
13 September 2005
by dwb
Thanks for the emails guys, I appreciate it. As you requested, here’s more pics of some of the whores we shot.

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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Porno, Random Photos, Whores
Tags: Colombia, Random Photos, Whores
09 September 2005
by dwb
Here’s a few random shots from Bogotá, Colombia.

* They checked our backpacks for bombs before entering the mall where the Hard Rock is.

* They work better when they’re drunk. So long as I keep the booze flowing, they will stick their cocks into anything. 
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Random Photos
Tags: Bogotá, Colombia, Random Photos
20 August 2005
by dwb

The old city of Cartagena, Colombia.

This guitar player knows just about every song ever recorded. Good stuff.

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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Random Photos
Tags: Cartagena, Colombia, Random Photos