01 October 2005
by dwb
These guys work fast. I’m just home a few days and still wiping the shit from my pants from the police raid and they sent me the cover already of Pretty Little Latinas 32.
This video line is one of the hottest Latin lines out there IMHO, mostly shot in Brazil until now. We are very happy to be part of this series and take it to new countries.
We’re thinking about hitting Peru next. Gotta consult with Kincade and see what the great Oracle says. Or maybe we’ll just stick to Asia for a while.
This DVD hits the streets in 3 weeks, make sure you pick it up so our arrest was not in vain.
You can order direct by hitting them up here: Third World Media
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Porno
Tags: DVD Release, Movies, Pretty Little Latinas, Pretty Little Latinas 32, Third World Media, Whores
18 August 2005
by dwb

You can’t make stuff like this up and I’m happy to have been able to catch a photo of the elusive Colombian Fedex truck.
This is my warning to Third World Media. When the tapes I send you don’t make it, now you know why.
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Categories: Colombia, Preposterousness
Tags: Cartagena, Colombia, Third World Media
27 July 2005
by dwb
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to hit the open road. Welcome to Heathens Highway!
This has been a long time coming but it was only recently that I had the time to get this blog up and running.
Coincidentally, we leave on another South American adventure in just 28 hours so I’m sure your going to get some great posts over the next 2 months as Mr. Kincade and I travel through Colombia shooting for my upcoming Latin site and the popular DVD series Pretty Little Latinas released by Third World Media, as well as a new DVD for Mr. X Productions (distributed by Pure Play Media) entitled Chocolate Chicas featuring black models from Latin America.
Everything has fallen into place for us recently so we are off to do what we do best, shoot hookers in foreign lands. We will be posting the good, the bad and the ugly here and giving it to you uncensored, the way it should be. My cock is throbbing just thinking about what incredible pussy awaits. I have such a thing for Latinas and black Latinas, it’s not healthy.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the ride. Oh, one more thing, lets also remember that everything that has a beginning, also has an end. I don’t know where or when the road will end, but rest assured it will, and it won’t be pretty.
I’d buckle up if I were you.
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road
Tags: Colombia, Mr. Kincade, Mr. X, Pretty Little Latinas, Pure Play Media, South America, Third World Media