15 December 2005
by dwb
What a night last night. I had two Thai hookers sucking me off in the blow job bar and drained every drop of nut from my balls. It was incredible.
After the BJs, we headed to Nana Plaza where we met a ladyboy named Nadia who has a 10 inch cock. For a Brazilian that may be the norm but for an Asian transsexual, it is just insane. It is bat shit crazy. Notice there are 4 hands on it and the head still pops out of the top! And yes, both the small ladyboy and the guy took it in the ass until they bled.

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Categories: On The Road, Porno, Random Photos, Shemales, Thailand
Tags: Asia, Bangkok, Hurricane Hicks, Ladyboys, Nana Plaza, Transsexuals, What The Fuck
30 October 2005
by dwb
Male Talent aka “Fuck Monkeys”
I’m in the US now and hunting for some new guys to take to Thailand with me to bang girls and ladyboys. I have a few lined up but that is not what prompted me to post this. I need a few more.
I placed ads all over the local yahoo groups, Craig’s List and a few other sites that cater to the local sex scene. I gave very strict instructions as to what I was looking for and how to respond. One of the lines said “DO NOT REPLY WITHOUT A RECENT FULL NUDE PHOTO (not just your cock) OR WITHOUT LISTING YOUR AGE” and I go on to say how if you do the opposite of this, I will not even reply, blah, blah, blah and that there are no exceptions to this rule.
A few weeks have gone by and I have had close to 100 guys e-mail me. FOUR of them responded correctly. The other 96 either did not send photos, or sent me photos of their pathetic erect cocks and no mention of age.
Of course I did not reply to the idiots for some simple reason: If you can’t follow your FIRST simple instruction, I’m sure as hell not taking you to another country to shoot porn because you will be one of the idiots who get arrested or killed for doing something stupid. People, you are your own worst enemy. Self included.
I’m sure there are a few studs in that bunch but I’m not taking any chances. They had one simple thing they had to do, and the blew it.
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Categories: Porno, Thailand, Thinking Out Loud, Uncategorized
Tags: How can I be a porn star?, Idiots, Ladyboys, Ohio, Transsexuals
15 October 2005
by dwb
Look at this if you dare. Then find Jesus because your going to need him. But before you even think about Jesus, meet Buck.
OK, now start thinking about Jesus.
Where do we go from here? Please enlighten me because after this, I’m not sure what’s going on anymore.
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Categories: The Internetz, Uncategorized, What The Fuck
Tags: Internet, Say What?, Transsexuals, What The Fuck
15 September 2005
by dwb
If you have ever worked with T-Girls before, you may think many of them are a pain in the ass. Trust me, you do not know what a pain in the ass is until you have tried to work with a Colombian transsexual. There is a reason you see very few Colombian trannies showing up in DVDs and online. The smarter producer bypass these whack jobs and head to Brazil and Argentina, and truth be told, Brazil is full of nut job trannies as well but I’ve never seen anything like the fuck-ups we’ve encountered here.
It took us a long time to find guys insane enough to raw dog these T-Girls and now when I try to make the shoot happen, these fucking hormone unbalanced people go out of their way to mess it all up. I find guys to fuck them, I scout and find the T-girls, I round them all up and get them to the clinic so they can test for HIV (they all pass), and then when it comes time to shoot, they ALL flake in one form or another.
Even scouting them was a hassle. We had a brick thrown at our car, had a knife pulled on us, Kincade got punched. It’s been a cluster fuck just trying to talk to them.
Today was shoot #3 with a T-girl, the first two fell apart when they were a no show. At least this one showed up, but came 3 hours late and forgot her ID. I gave her taxi money (bad idea) to go back to her house and get it and we never saw her again. Her phone was turned off and the taxi money spent. Probably drugs. The crazy thing is that she does have an ID because we saw it when we first met.
It’s a shame I am not able to get these girls shot because some of them are stunning. 100% passable. A few Cuba Libres and you would never know the difference. Hell, even totally sober you probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. They are hot, no doubt about it.
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Categories: Colombia, On The Road, Porno, Shemales
Tags: Colombia, Transsexuals, Whores